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Questions about coaching.

  • How do you figure out which coach is the best for you?
    Experience, integrity, and credibility should be your base expectation. Referrals are helpful, but ask a prospective coach to explain their philosophy and process, so you can decide if it will support your historical learning style. "Fit" is the most important criteria, but more dificult to assess. Most coaches will offer a "chemistry meeting" so you can experience their style and get a feeling of what it might be like to work together. (If they don't offer it, request it.) During the coaching process, you will want to be comfortable opening up to your coach to discuss professional (and sometimes personal) stressors that you’re facing. Nice might feel good, but you really want to work with someone you feel can support you through the more challenging development. It’s important to find someone in whom you can confide and whom you can trust to push you, when appropriate.
  • How do you measure success?
    In the beginning of the engagement, the coach & client work together to develop a clear set of goals. There may be skills they want to improve: communication, delgation, presentation, time-management) stakeholder relationships). There may be outcomes that are desired: promotion, more organizational influence, highly functioning team. Acumentri engagements involve key organizational stakeholders in this process to ensure that expectations and success are clearly defined, measrable, and attainable. Especially when organizations are growing or in transition, expecations might be loosely defeined or assumed to be understood. This process alone often facilitates improved clarity and measurable goals for our clients. The client always makes the final definition of their goals. Throughout the engagement, your coach will check in with your key stakeholders to get outside feedback abut your development process and how it is showing up in the organization, to make sure we're on the right track.
  • If my company is paying, is executive coaching confidential?"
    Yes. What you share with your coach is confidential. All communication between the coach and the individual receiving coaching (the "client") are kept strictly confidential unless you authorize me to share information outside of our discussions. As part of the process, you will share your engagement goals with your key stakeholder or sponsor and att he completeion of the engagement you will guide an overview of your development toward articualted goals. These conditions of confidentiality and sponsor expectations are set forth in the coaching contract so all parties are clear that confidentiality is between coach and client.
  • Should I be worried if my company is offering me executive coaching?
    Nope. Your company clearly sees potential and by investing in an experienced, professional executive coach, your company is demonstrating their committment to your success. Executive coaching is a benefit, not a remediation. Every leader that we've ever worked with has found the one to one focus to be invaluable. Most leaders have been educated, trained, or mentored in their specific expertise. Very few have had someone focus on how they lead and what type of leader they want to be.
  • What if I decide the engagement isn't working for me?
    You have this conversation with your coach. And if a new course of action or path forward doesn't feel right for you - provide notice and terminate your agreement.
  • Something else?
    We're really happy to answer questions about executive coaching, so if your question hasn't been answered, please email us:
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