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Client Login

Acumentri Leadership is committed to helping our clients succeed.

Your Client Workspace provides you with access to the notes from our coaching sessions, upcoming appointments, and additional readings & resources to support your success.

You can track your progress on goals, share thoughts between meetings, and schedule a laser coaching call between our regular meetings.  

You've got this.

 Pause.  Stay curious.  Get intentional.

Alex Carleton, PCC

Executive Coach & Advisor


The most impactful leaders are authentic,  communicative, able to build teams and develop other leaders.

The executive leadership framework includes effective capabilities such as: Establishing Leadership Presence; Prioritization & Time Management; Team Effectiveness & Talent Development; Leadership Communication (internal & external); Executive Team & Stakeholder Alignment. 

We enjoy working with technical experts, problem solvers, and "overly-analytical" thinkers. Thoughtful individuals make excellent leaders - it's all about creating the right processes to support them. Our experience is that problem-solvers have an internal drive to improve once they understand how to modify their behavior.

IOC  is the best source of funded research on coaching.  IOC's mandate is to cultivate the scientific foundation and best practices in coaching.

Institute of Coaching logo

International Coach Federation sets professional coaching standards and establishes  a professional Code of Ethics   and Independent Review Board (IRB).

International Coach Federation logo

The iPEC  Professional Coaching Certification requires 60+ hours of coaching, expert mentor coaching & specialty executive coaching focus.

Professional Executive Coach logo

CoRE Perfmance Dynamicsis a practice of mastery used in athletics and applied to leadership.

CORE Performance Dynamics logo
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