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Acumentri Leadership is committed to helping our clients succeed.
Your Client Workspace provides you with access to the notes from our coaching sessions, upcoming appointments, and additional readings & resources to support your success.
You can track your progress on goals, share thoughts between meetings, and schedule a laser coaching call between our regular meetings.
You've got this.
Pause. Stay curious. Get intentional.
Alex Carleton, PCC
Executive Coach & Advisor
The most impactful leaders are authentic, communicative, able to build teams and develop other leaders.
The executive leadership framework includes effective capabilities such as: Establishing Leadership Presence; Prioritization & Time Management; Team Effectiveness & Talent Development; Leadership Communication (internal & external); Executive Team & Stakeholder Alignment.
We enjoy working with technical experts, problem solvers, and "overly-analytical" thinkers. Thoughtful individuals make excellent leaders - it's all about creating the right processes to support them. Our experience is that problem-solvers have an internal drive to improve once they understand how to modify their behavior.